Annnd we're back!

I just need 7 minutes of your time and won’t keep you too long. Two things that I have learned are to
1) Let the work speak for itself.
2) Trust only yourself in today’s comic business.

As we end this fiscal year of 2023, the comic book landscape has severely changed. Mostly for the better, but you cannot have the good without the bad. What was once the hobby of adolescent boys and nerds seeking escapism, has now become more inclusive and diverse, which is not only great, it’s amazing. However, there is a significant shift in the quality of the content in some of today’s comics. While comics has always been the product of the complete suspension of reality or (at times) biographical works, stories were either complete fantasy, otherworldly sci-fi or the more human-driven semi-rooted in a reflection (however askew) of our own reality. That is no longer the case.

Today’s comics often feels driven by special interests instead of being rooted in the world outside the door. Nukleus Comics is the latter, we are rooted in the real world dynamics and will explore the fantastical. We are not pushing anything onto the reader that time and time again, cancellation after cancellation after discontinuation, readers are letting the big two know that the don’t want. People often (not always) want to see themselves in these characters while on a journey into a new universe. They don’t like when a character they have come to grow and love is abruptly torn to shreds and remixed into something they barely recognize to make a corporate quota. At Nukleus, you will see authentic representation and I don’t care what Elon Musk says, organic diversity and inclusion are the life’s blood of modern America and the world.

Nukleus will feature a dazzlingly diverse array of characters from every walk of life, while maintaining its core Black cast, storytelling, experience and purview into a late 20th century’s affect on the 21st. True freedom of expression is being forced into the dark as a rise in a controlled society is taking hold. People are being “cancelled” and “boycotts” are being used as weapons from the exhausting two sides of the aisle. Others are embracing strong men and Nationalism. Which is why our starting point for Nukleus is being set in 1982 New York City. Harkening back to what is arguably the most decadent, creative and (often recklessly) expressive periods in human history. When creative expression could be inspiring, highly offensive, beautiful and criminal all at the same time, but it was yours. No 3am Twitter apologies, no “regrets”, no backpedaling. You had to own it. People who didn't find a comedian funny, would simply stop watching them. Today you will be aggressively nullified if you make the wrong jab or your jokes touch the wrong nerves. Celebrated author J.K. Rowling has an unpopular opinion with some of her fans, but that is her opinion. re-binding the covers of her books that you already paid her for and obviously love is insanity. I believe in human growth and development, people learning until they take the last nap. I assure you, Nukleus is not a conformist outfit. We are here to entertain and provoke complex thought, not hand out participation trophies. We will take suggestions, pay attention to our audience, develop our characters and our connection with our fandom, but we will not be enslaved into a conundrum of endless fan service. Know this and Enjoy the ride! We have an exciting new Indiegogo campaign for the graciously expanded, reworked and re-titled graphic novel ‘The Most Beautiful Sound Never Heard’ (see banner, following post or menu link) and we welcome ALL on this journey.

I’m excited,
Corey F Godwell