Pre 2020 Life...

How can I sum up the last 2 years…plagued with losses, in three simple words? Death. Perseverance. Pictures. Here's some of the better moments, compiled from The Black Comic Book Festival 2016, Women in Comics (Bronx Public Library), ECBACC 2016 (Philly), Will Eisner Exhibition (Poe Park, Bx), Women in Comics Gallery (Medalia Art Gallery), our first Imperial Collection from Broadway International (at the now defunct and always beloved McGoo's Pub in the Bronx (a casualty of Covid 19) and of course my stomping grounds the now online only Magnum Comics also located in the Bronx. I’ll be back soon to update you all that has occurred and all that is incoming.

Here's to moving forward in 2022. Enjoy the pictures of easier times.